BCSA Member Spotlight: Jordan Jacobs, Vancouver Sign Group

Jordan Jacobs
Director, Vancouver Sign Group (Richmond, BC)

How long has your company been in business?
Scott Screen Process (original company) has been in business since 1941! Our new business (Vancouver Sign Group) was formed in January of 2019 as a result of two companies merging – Scott Paragon Signs and Zippy Signs.

Who has inspired you in your career?
My father and brother who originally purchased Scott Screen Process back in 2004.

What has been the most challenging sign you’ve built and/or installed?
If you have worked in a sign shop, you may know that sometimes the smallest easiest signs can have the biggest challenge. When you are working with custom signage every day, each project has its own challenges whether it be a size restriction, an obstacle in the way during installation, or simply a creative way to achieve what the client is wanting within a cost effective solution.

What advice would you give someone who is interested in working in the sign industry?
It is an amazing industry for someone who is a problem solver and loves new challenges every day!

What is your favourite part of the job?
As above, the new challenges that every day brings. Every day is something new and exciting which keeps me on my toes!

What’s been your favourite or most memorable moment of your career so far?
My favourite moment(s) in my career is being able to put on my branded golf shirt every morning with a smile, knowing that I love where I am going to be working every day!

How do you spend your free time?
I love camping, road trips, hiking and trail walks! I also love wandering the streets staring at signs..

What’s one thing people would be surprised to know about your business?
That we have over 100 years experience in the sign industry!

What has BCSA membership meant to you both personally and professionally? 
The BCSA has been a great group to work with on a professional and non-professional level. The relationships I have built with some of the members has allowed me to take my business to the next level. The ability to call on another member for advice/guidance, or simply a chat is more than what I could have asked for as a member. For this reason alone, I recommend anyone who is interested in joining the BCSA, to do so – not to mention the great events we hold throughout the year!

Member Spotlight features BCSA members, highlighting how they are making a difference and how they have benefitted from BCSA membership. It’s an opportunity to share stories, inspire future sign industry superstars, and strengthen awareness of the industry and association. If you’re interested in being featured, please contact us!